Vi is an one of two powerhouse text editors in the Unix world, the other being EMACS. While obtuse, vi is extremely powerful and efficient. There may be times when vi is the only text editor available, so it helps to at least know the basics.
On Mac OS X (and Linux), vi is symlinked to vim (vi improved), a more modern free software version. Vim It is the default editor when changing a crontab.
Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to make creating and changing any kind of text very efficient. It is included as 'vi' with most UNIX systems and with Apple OS X. Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed to become even better. A good learning resource for Vim is included in Mac. Simply type vimtutor and it will teach you quickly how to use vim effectively. Another editing option on mac is nano it is a command line text editor that is much easier for those familiar with TextEdit/Notepad.
If you gave vi a whirl and don't see the beauty of it, give the nano editor a try. It also ships with Mac OS X.
note: a chunk of this small guide came from a web page I found long ago, but I don't remember where so I can't give proper credit. I've added and changed things from the original text.
Vi has two modes, command and insert (really, three if you count replace mode). Command mode is used to navigate, search, and issue other commands. Insert mode is used to enter text.
Vi starts in command mode.
You can precede most commands with a number indicating how many times to perform a command. For example, entering 99 followed by the down arrow will move the cursor down 99 lines. '99x' will delete 99 characters. Canon pixma mp180 driver for mac.
While in command mode (case sensitive)
- move the cursor with arrow keys; if there aren't any arrow keys, use j,k,h,l
- i - change to insert mode (before cursor)
- a - change to insert mode (after cursor)
- A - change to insert mode (at end of line)
- r - replace one character
- R - overwrite text
- x - delete one character
- dd - delete one line
- yy - yank line (copy)
- p - paste deleted or yanked text after cursor
- P - paste deleted or yanked text before cursor
- G - go to end of the file
- 1G - go to top of the file
- J - merge next line with this one
- / - search, follow / with text to find
- :wq - write file and quit
- :q! - quit without saving
- %s/old/new/g - substitute; replace 'old' with 'new' on all lines
- :g/pattern/d - delete all lines that match the pattern
While in insert mode
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- ESC - change to command mode
- any text typed is entered at the cursor
Typical vi session
Best Vim Editor For Mac
- Type 'vi file.txt' at command prompt
- Move cursor to where new text will be added
- Type 'i' to change to insert mode
- Type new text
- Type ESC to go back to command mode
- type ':wq' and ENTER to write the file and quit